Thursday, August 30, 2012

Indigo Blues.

"You need a pocket protector."

"Haha, yeah." *pats pen in shirt pocket*

"No, seriously. You're leaking."

"Oh sh#@t."

Yes folks, Ryan of The Faux Bohemian had put his ink pen tip down into his pocket without the lid, resulting in a large ink blot and an exclamation of "Oh no, my best 3 dollar thrift shore shirt!"

Then, a flurry of activity. E-mails began flying, asking savvy coworkers how to remove the ink. A Tide To-Go pen was produced and hastily applied.

Girl with pen: "I'm sorry if I'm making it worse!"

Ryan: "Worse, how can it get any worse? We're at the threshold of hell!" thus quoting one of the office's favorite movies, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.

After rinsing the Tide-ed shirt, the stain was nearly gone!

The downside being that you have to wear a wet shirt. Lesson-the Tide To-Go really works! Even on ink. Way to go Tide people. Way to go.

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