Sunday, June 24, 2012

I am Covered in Baby Spit-up.

And I love it. Well, not the spit-up specifically, but I love babies, and they come with spit-up and drool and such, and that's okay with me. When I was feeling led to serve my church in some way, I knew it would be in the nursery. I love taking care of babies, and I've been doing it since I was 12. Further, I love making parents feel like it's okay for them to take some time for themselves, be it at church or on a date. I love them being able to know their infant is well cared for and loved. Today in the nursery I was caring for an A-dorable 5 month old. He fussed, and sometimes wailed, and then he spit-up on me four times. But I thought to myself, I love you anyway, and I coddled and bounced and loved on him until I figured out how to settle him down. And really, is there anything sweeter than snuggling a happy infant? I think not.

If I don't go get some baby snuggle time, I start wanting an infant of my own. And since we are nowhere near that stage of our lives, B is happy to send me off to get my fix...even if he doesn't understand it. But look at that Disney baby! How could you not need to snuggle it?

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