Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Longest Disney Day

On December 31, 2008 I unexpectedly spent 18 hours in the Magic Kingdom, and it was pretty. freaking. awesome.

We had spent New Year's Eve 1999 in Disney, and at that point in time you could enter the parks, leave, and come back in even if the park was at capacity, as long as you had been in before the limit of guests was reached, so when we were there again for New Year's Eve 2008 we thought great, we'll get to the Magic Kingdom early, head back to our base at the fort Wilderness Campground for dinner and a nap, and re-enter the park in time for a few more rides and the fireworks. Brilliant.

We got to the boat dock at Fort Wilderness around 7 a.m. to ensure we made it in, as we knew this was sure to be a peak day.
Lots of us had a similar idea.
Except, when we went to leave sometime in the early afternoon, we noticed that the park was already at capacity and they weren't letting anyone through the turnstiles, so we asked a cast member to verify that we could get back in later. The answer was an emphatic no. Or at least, that there was no guarantee as there had been previously. I believe we were told, and I more or less quote, that "If Brad Pitt and Angeline Jolie walked up to the gate right now I couldn't let them in, that's how full we are."

We weren't dressed for a chilly evening, as we had assumed that we could grab our light jackets when we went back for dinner. We also hadn't planned on buying another meal in the parks that day. It was put to a vote. I of course voted to stay, figuring that we had come all this way and to miss the New Year's Eve celebration would be, well, lame. My brother wanted a nap (he was 16 and sort of over the family vacation). My parents offered to split up, but I was convinced that the one who left would regret it, so I talked everyone into staying. 

It was around 2 p.m. With 7 hours of fun behind us, we had 10 hours to go till the fireworks.

So we rode some more rides. 

 And watched the parade (we're not usually parade people). 

By late afternoon we were flagging. We headed for the TTA, which is always a great place to take a break. My father claimed a bench around the corner of Space Mountain, near the gift shop entrance, and laid down for a nap. As my mother, brother and I rode circuits on the TTA, we looked down on him as we passed...sound asleep amid thousands of people. 

As darkness fell, I started to get cold. While the rest of my family rode the Haunted Mansion, I happily abstained (see my previous post) and slipped into the Emporium and purchased a hoodie, which is still one of my favorite Disney souvenirs.

Around 10 p.m. people were already staking out their spots for the fireworks show. Having ridden most things twice, we grabbed a snack and hunkered down on the bride from Tomorrowland to the castle hub. And waited. I may have fallen asleep there. I know my brother did. We both laid right down on the ground. Several days going full speed at Disney had left us all ready for bed by 10-but by goodness we were going to see those fireworks. 

Disney piped party music through the park at around 11 which helped perk things up (at least for those of us who weren't already hyped up on soda and cotton candy). It seemed to work-witness below my brother and I doing the Cha-Cha Slide.

Excuse the horrible quality of this photo but it was LATE.

And then, as they do, the fireworks came. Tinkerbell came flying down from the castle tower, and we counted down to 2009 with thousands of Disney's favorite guests, and then we sleepily slogged our way back to our camper with the crowds.

Worth it.

And it was awesome. The sheer joy of being in the Most Magical Place on Earth from sunup to sundown. The absurdity of my father sleeping on a park bench, and of doing the Cha-Cha Slide on a bridge in the Magic Kingdom with my brother at 11 p.m. The camaraderie of all the guests waiting excitedly in their spots for the fireworks to start and the new year to begin. You expect certain things at Disney, most of them good. But it's those unexpected things that are truly the very best.

Even if they require several cups of coffee the next morning.

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