Tuesday, August 14, 2012


1. Having B drive me to the train in the mornings. I live within walking distance and walk back in the evenings (and walked in the mornings for the year and a half before he started his current job). He left early today and I walked, which again is usually fine, except it was raining and I guess I stayed and cuddled the kittens too long because I ended up having to run to catch the train. Ugh. Made me appreciate when he drops me off that much more!

2. The smell of a campfire. Actually, the entire experience of sitting around a campfire with people you love. And stuffing your face with s'mores, of course.

3. This poster:


which single-handedly stopped me from eating a piece of cake AND spending 10 bucks to subscribe to a magazine I don't need yesterday. I want those things NOW, but you know what I want MOST? A healthier body and a healthier savings account.

4. Finding shoes in my childhood closet that I forgot I had that are comfortable and summer appropriate. Jackpot.

5. Finding KIND bars at Wal-Mart. I love them but the local Giant doesn't carry them. They're all natural but delicious. So you feel virtuous and they also taste like a treat.

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