Friday, June 27, 2014

The Lorax

When we bought our house, this was the view out the front window. 

We were pretty pleased with it, considering we live in a rather urban area but are both nature-lovers (maybe one of us more than the other).

Recently, the builders of our complex started cutting down some of those trees to put in an office building. We know builders cut down trees. We know many trees were surely cut down to make the home we so enjoy. Still, we don't really like it. We hoped the builders would at least leave some nice groupings of the original woods, as they had done in other areas.

Last night on my way home B called.  "Babe! They clear-cut everything!" "Oh no!" "I know!" "I'm sad." "Me too."

When I got in the door, we commiserated over losing the trees. The cats meowed at us loudly and B goes, "I think they're upset about the trees too-you know what this feels like? That book The Lorax! Dr. Seuss had it right."


More and more it seems like everything I ever needed to know I could've learned from Dr. Seuss.